Q: I purchased the download version of the tour and when I click on the download link it just keeps popping up in my media player. How do I import it into my music library?
A: You should have received an email with the subject "Twilight Audio Tours. Your order completed". In that email there is a link to your order details. Click on that link to go to your order details page. Right click (control click on a Mac) on the download link and choose "Save Target As..." from the menu. You will now be able to save the MP3 file anywhere on your computer. Save it to your Music Library and the next time you launch iTunes, Windows Media Player, or any other media player on your computer, it should pick up the new file.
Once iTunes has the new file in your library, the next time you sync your iPod you will have your tour on your iPod as well.
Q: Can I purchase a CD version of the tour?
A: A CD Version of the tour is coming soon. Keeping checking back with us. We also plan on having a video version of the tour available for those who can't make it to the Forks area.
Q: What sort of information is on the tour?
A: Along with directions to all the Twilight sights in the Forks area, there are also descriptions of the landmarks that you will be passing, some of the local history, hints about places to eat, when you are about to pass the last gas station, and pointers to some of the great natual sights on the Olympic Peninsula. It will be as if you were on a bus tour with an experienced tour guide, except you can stop any time you want for as long as you want and finish the tour on your schedule...not the bus drivers.
Q: Where does the tour start?
A: We start the tour in Port Angeles on Highway 101 on the road to Forks at Traylor's Restaurant (3256 E. Highway 101). You can't miss Traylor's as you are coming into town.